Some of my teams are resistant to merging. They are happy with the way they work and do not want their Jira configuration disturbed. What is the approach here?

Unless you are using Enterprise Cloud licenses, we (along with your leadership) will need to get buy-in and dig deeper into push-back, offering technical solutions or workarounds to keep them happy. We have done this before, and offer our expertise at all points. Sometimes, it takes executive mandates, so be prepared for that as well.

What does a myAtlassian Blueprint engagement look like?

Essentially, myAtlassian Blueprint is a series of interviews with leaders and stakeholders, giving us thr company’s vision and key perspectives on the current and future state of collaboration. Our Solution Architect and Sr. Atlassian Engineer will guide these discussions, fill knowledge gaps, and seek clarity on any important questions. This leads to an analysis, resulting […]